Random Totems
Tower Defense

Tower defense is a subgenre of strategy games where the goal is to defend a player's territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers or by stopping enemies from reaching the exits, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack

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Random Totems

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Detective Max Mystery:
High School Murder

Something unbelievable happened today... And everything has changed at once. My name is Max. A few weeks are left until the prom. But not the upcoming exams are now worrying the whole school... Since today my life has been radically changed. Today my friend was found murdered. My duty now is to unravel the mystery of his death. I will certainly get to the bottom of the truth. The killer will be caught, I give my word.

Android IOS

Birdies Escape:
Candy Gems and Jewels Match

You are about to go on a trip to escape little cute birdies! This adventurous journey will take you through magic forest and candy lands, across the granny's farm and Christmas world, on the dessert planet and summer beaches, under the starry skies and the surface of the water... Are you ready for some jewel crush?

Android IOS

Detective Max Mystery:
Double Clues Murder

Almost a year has passed since my first investigation - the Conor school case. I decided to take a break before going to university. I visited several countries, read a book that had been gathering dust on the shelf for a long time, and finally began to prepare to enter the Faculty of Engineering. My life was just getting perfect, and I almost forgot about that little detective experience. But, suddenly, another unusual death occurred in our town.

Android IOS